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Release 0.55#

2024-06-09 ยท Full Changelog

All-in-one setup script#

We have been rocking quite some workshops and demos lately, and we realized that we can improve the user experience by providing a single script that installs containerlab and its prerequisites in one go.

Since the ephemeral nature of containerlab labs started to attract more users, we decided to make the install script that would get you up and running in no time on a bare Apt/Yum-based Linux system.

curl -L \
| sudo bash -s "all"

This script will detect if apt or yum-based distribution is used and will install the following:

  • latest Docker Community Edition - docker-ce
  • GitHub CLI - gh
  • Latest Containerlab release

In addition to that, the script will setup sshd to allow 50 login attempts to accommodate for users with lengthy key chains.

Do you want to install only docker or only containerlab? No problem, just run:

curl -L \
| sudo bash -s "install-docker"
curl -L \
| sudo bash -s "install-containerlab"

Generic Linux VM kind#

We have added a new kind - generic_vm - that allows you to add a generic VM to your lab. An Ubuntu 20.04 image has been tested with this kind built with hellt/vrnetlab and a lab example has been provided. #1976

Auto-assigned management network address#

@mzagozen added support for the auto-assigned management network address to avoid collisions with the existing networks. Refer to the network documentation for more details.

Dummy interface support#

Whenever you need to add an interface to a node that does nothing but occupy a port, use the dummy interface type. #2055

cRPD improvements#

License handling has been fixed for the recent cRPD versions. #2014

Netconf has been enabled by default for cRPD. #2015


  • fixed NSPath handling for ignite runtime #2000
  • SR OS interface check has been relaxed to allow specifying the interface name in any range, not limited by 32 ports #2012
  • Fixed install on Alpine systems #2017
  • added --skip-labdir-acl flag to the deploy command to allow skipping the lab directory ACL setup #2028
  • cEOS examples have been updated to use 4.32.0F version #2034
  • package repo links have been updated to enable v6 access #2032
  • codespaces image have been added #2058 #2059 #2064 #2067



  • fixed ACL rules generation for SR Linux in cases where no ssh keys are present #2103
  • switched to D2L platform as the default for SR Linux #2094
  • added impairments docs section