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Kubernetes in docker (kind) cluster#

Since more and more applications (including network management systems and network functions) are being deployed in the k8s clusters, it is important to be able to test the network connectivity between the k8s workloads and the underlay network.

Kind is a tool for running local Kubernetes clusters using Docker container “nodes”. By integrating kind clusters via a new kind k8s-kind with containerlab, it is possible to spin-up kind clusters as part of the containerlab topology.

This deployment model unlocks the possibility to integrate network underlay created by containerlab with the workloads running in the kind clusters in a single YAML file. The integration between kind clusters and containerlab topology makes it easy to deploy and interconnect k8s clusters and the underlay network.

Using k8s-kind#

Integration between Kind and Containerlab is a mix of two kinds:

  1. k8s-kind - to manage the creation of the kind clusters
  2. ext-container - to allow for the interconnection between the nodes of a kind cluster and the network nodes that are part of the same containerlab topology

The lab depicted below incorporates two kind clusters, one with a control plane and a worker node, and the other with an all-in-one node.

By defining the clusters with k8s-kind nodes we let containerlab manage the lifecycle (deployment/destroy) of the kind clusters. But this is not all. We can use the ext-container nodes to define actual kind cluster containers that run the control plane and worker nodes.

The name of the ext-container node is known upfront as it is computed as <k8s-kind-node-name>-control-plane for the control plane node and <k8s-kind-node-name>-worker[worker-node-index] for the worker nodes.

By defining the ext-container nodes we unlock the possibility to define the links between the kind cluster nodes and the network nodes that are part of the same containerlab topology.

name: kind01

      kind: nokia_srlinux
      kind: k8s-kind
      startup-config: k01-config.yaml
      kind: k8s-kind

    # k01 cluster contains 2 nodes: a control-plane and a worker
    # the cluster config is defined in k01-config.yaml
      kind: ext-container
        - "ip addr add dev eth1"
      kind: ext-container
        - "ip addr add dev eth1"

    # k02 cluster has an all-in-one node
      kind: ext-container
        - "ip addr add dev eth1"

    - endpoints: ["srl01:e1-1", "k01-control-plane:eth1"]
    - endpoints: ["srl01:e1-2", "k01-worker:eth1"]

    - endpoints: ["srl01:e1-4", "k02-control-plane:eth1"]

This is exactly how you use the integration between containerlab and kind to create a topology that includes kind clusters and network nodes.

Once the lab pictured above is deployed, we can see the two clusters created:

 kind get clusters
❯ kind get nodes --name k01
❯ kind get nodes --name k02

Cluster config#

It is possible to provide original kind cluster configuration via startup-configuration parameter of the k8s-kind node. Due to the kind cluster config provided to k01 node above, kind will spin up 2 containers, one control-plane and one worker node. k02 cluster that doesn't have a startup-configuration defined will spin up a single container with an all-in-one control-plane and a worker node.

Contents of k01-config.yaml:

kind: Cluster
  - role: control-plane
  - role: worker

Cluster interfaces#

When containerlab orchestrates the kind clusters creation it relies on kind API to handle the actual deployment process. When kind creates a cluster it uses a docker network to connect the kind cluster nodes together.

In order to connect cluster nodes to the network underlay created by containerlab, we use ext-container kind of nodes per each control-plane and worker node of a cluster and connect them with their eth1+ interfaces to the network nodes.

Since the eth1+ interfaces come up unconfigured, we may configure them using the exec property and set the IP addresses.

Given the lab above, we configure eth1 interface on all nodes. For example, we can check that worker node of cluster k01 got its eth1 inteface configured with the IP address:

 docker exec -it k01-worker ip a show eth1
12229: eth1@if12230: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 9500 qdisc noqueue state UP group default 
    link/ether aa:c1:ab:7e:22:6f brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff link-netnsid 1
    inet scope global eth1
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

Node parameters#

With `k8s-kind`` nodes it is possible to use the following configuration parameters:

  • image - to define the kind container image to use for the kind cluster
  • startup-config - to provide a kind cluster configuration (optional, kind defaults apply otherwise)

Extra parameters#

In addition to the generic node parameters, k8s-kind can take following extra parameters from extras field.

      kind: k8s_kind
            # Corresponds to --wait option. Wait given duration until the cluster becomes ready.
            wait: 0s

Known issues#

Duplication of nodes in the output#

When you deploy a lab with k8s-kind nodes you may notice that the output of the deploy command contains more nodes than you have defined in the topology file. This is a known visual issue that is caused by the fact that k8s-kind nodes are merely a placeholder for a kind cluster configuration, and the actual nodes of the kind cluster are defined by the ext-container nodes.

inspect --all command output#

When you run clab inspect --all command you may notice that the output doesn't list the k8s-kind nodes nor the ext-container nodes.

For now, use clab inspect -t <topology-file> to see the full topology output.