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Cisco XRd#

Cisco XRd Network OS is identified with xrd or cisco_xrd kind in the topology file. A kind defines a supported feature set and a startup procedure of a node.

XRd comes in two variants:

  • control-plane
  • vrouter

Containerlab supports only the control-plane flavor of XRd, as it allows to build topologies using virtual interfaces, whereas vrouter requires PCI interfaces to be attached to it.


Consult with XRd Tutorials series to get an in-depth understanding of XRd requirements and capabilities.

Getting XRd#

XRd image is available for download only for users who have an active service account1.

Host server requirements#

Cisco xrdocs recommends to increase inotify.max_user_instances and inotify.max_user_watches.

You can do this by executing the following:

sysctl -w fs.inotify.max_user_instances=64000
sysctl -w fs.inotify.max_user_watches=64000

To make the settings persist reboots append fs.inotify.max_user_instances=64000 and fs.inotify.max_user_watches=64000 to /etc/sysctl.conf. You can use the following one-liner:

echo -e "fs.inotify.max_user_instances=64000\nfs.inotify.max_user_watches=64000" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf


If using 10+ XRd nodes, you may need to increase the fs.inotify.max_user_instances and/or fs.inotify.max_user_watches even higher.

Managing XRd nodes#

There are several management interfaces supported by XRd nodes:

to connect to a XR CLI shell of a running XRd container:

docker exec -it <container-name/id> /pkg/bin/

to connect to a bash shell of a running XRd container:

docker exec -it <container-name/id> bash

ssh clab@<container-name>
Password: clab@123

gNMI server runs on 57400 port in the insecure mode (no TLS).
Using gnmic gNMI client as an example:

gnmic -a <container-name/node-mgmt-address>:57400 --insecure \
  -u clab -p clab@123 \

Netconf server runs on 830 port:

ssh clab@<container-name> -p 830 -s netconf


Default credentials: clab:clab@123

Interfaces mapping#

XRd container uses the following mapping for its Linux interfaces2:

  • eth0 - management interface connected to the containerlab management network
  • Gi0-0-0-0 - first data interface mapped to Gi0/0/0/0 internal interface.
  • Gi0-0-0-N - Nth data interface mapped to Gi0/0/0/N internal interface.

When containerlab launches XRd node, it will set IPv4/6 addresses as assigned by docker to the eth0 interface and XRd node will boot with these addresses configured for its MgmtEth0. Data interfaces Gi0/0/0/N need to be configured with IP addressing manually.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:xrd#sh ip int br
Wed Dec 21 12:04:13.049 UTC

Interface                      IP-Address      Status          Protocol Vrf-Name
MgmtEth0/RP0/CPU0/0       Up              Up       default

Features and options#

Node configuration#

XRd nodes have a dedicated config directory that is used to persist the configuration of the node and expose internal directories of the NOS.

For XRd nodes, containerlab exposes the following file layout of the node's lab directory:

  • xr-storage (dir): a directory that is mounted to /xr-storage path of the NOS and is used to persist changes made to the node as well as provides access to the logs and various runtime files.
  • first-boot.cfg - a configuration file in Cisco IOS-XR CLI format that the node boots with.

Default node configuration#

It is possible to launch nodes of cisco_xrd kind with a basic config or to provide a custom config file that will be used as a startup config instead.

When a node is defined without startup-config statement present, containerlab will generate an empty config from this template and copy it to the config directory of the node.

# example of a topo file that does not define a custom config
# as a result, the config will be generated from a template
# and used by this node
name: xrd
      kind: cisco_xrd

User defined config#

It is possible to make XRd nodes to boot up with a user-defined config instead of a built-in one. With a startup-config property a user sets the path to the config file that will be mounted to a container and used as a startup-config:

name: xrd
      kind: cisco_xrd
      startup-config: xrd.cfg

When a config file is passed via startup-config parameter it will be used during an initial lab deployment. However, a config file that might be in the lab directory of a node takes precedence over the startup-config3.

With such topology file containerlab is instructed to take a file xrd.cfg from the current working directory and copy it to the lab directory for that specific node under the /first-boot.cfg name. This will result in this config acting as a startup-config for the node.

To provide a user-defined config, take the default configuration template and add the necessary configuration commands without changing the rest of the file. This will result in proper automatic assignment of IP addresses to the management interface, as well as applying user-defined commands.


Check SR Linux and XRd lab example where startup configuration files are provided to both nodes to see it in action.

Configuration persistency#

XRd nodes persist their configuration in <lab-directory>/<node-name>/xr-storage directory. When a user commits changes to XRd nodes using one of the management interfaces, they are kept in the configuration DB (but not exposed as a configuration file).

This capability allows users to configure the XRd node, commit the changes, then destroy the lab (without using --cleanup flag to keep the lab dir intact) and on a subsequent deploy action, the node will boot with the previously saved configuration.

Known issues and limitations#

Note, that XRd requires elevated number of inotify resources. If you happen to see errors in the xrd bootlog about inotify resources, consult with this article on how to increase them.

Lab examples#

The following labs feature XRd nodes:


  2. It is not yet possible to manually assign interface mapping rules in containerlab for XRd nodes. PRs are welcome. 

  3. if startup config needs to be enforced, either deploy a lab with --reconfigure flag, or use enforce-startup-config setting.