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Cisco XRv9k#

Cisco XRv9k virtualized router is identified with cisco_xrv9k kind in the topology file. It is built using vrnetlab project and essentially is a Qemu VM packaged in a docker container format.

Cisco XRv9k nodes launched with containerlab come up pre-provisioned with SSH, SNMP, NETCONF and gNMI (if available) services enabled.

Resource requirements

XRv9k node is a resource hungry image. As of XRv9k 7.2.1 version the minimum resources should be set to 2vcpu/14GB. To be safe the defaults used in containerlab are 2vCPU/16G RAM.
Image may take 25 minutes to fully boot, be patient. You can monitor the loading status with docker logs -f <container-name>.

If you need to tune the allocated resources, you can do so with setting VCPU and RAM environment variables for the node. For example, to set 4vcpu/16GB for the node:

      kind: cisco_xrv9k
      image: vr-xrv9k:7.10.1
        VCPU: 4
        RAM: 16384

Managing Cisco XRv9k nodes#

Cisco XRv9k node launched with containerlab can be managed via the following interfaces:

to connect to a bash shell of a running Cisco XRv9k container:

docker exec -it <container-name/id> bash

to connect to the XRv9kCLI

ssh clab@<container-name/id>

NETCONF server is running over port 830

ssh clab@<container-name> -p 830 -s netconf

using the best in class gnmic gNMI client as an example:

gnmic -a <container-name/node-mgmt-address> --insecure \
-u clab -p clab@123 \


Default user credentials: clab:clab@123

Interfaces mapping#

Cisco XRv9k container can have up to 90 interfaces and uses the following mapping rules:

  • eth0 - management interface connected to the containerlab management network
  • eth1 - first data interface, mapped to first data port of XRv9k line card
  • eth2+ - second and subsequent data interface

When containerlab launches Cisco XRv9k node, it will assign IPv4/6 address to the eth0 interface. These addresses can be used to reach management plane of the router.

Data interfaces eth1+ needs to be configured with IP addressing manually using CLI/management protocols.

Features and options#

Node configuration#

Cisco XRv9k nodes come up with a basic configuration where only the control plane and line cards are provisioned, as well as the clab user and management interfaces such as NETCONF, SNMP, gNMI.

Startup configuration#

It is possible to make XRv9k nodes boot up with a user-defined startup-config instead of a built-in one. With a startup-config property of the node/kind user sets the path to the config file that will be mounted to a container and used as a startup-config:

      kind: cisco_xrv9k
      startup-config: myconfig.txt

With this knob containerlab is instructed to take a file myconfig.txt from the directory that hosts the topology file, and copy it to the lab directory for that specific node under the /config/startup-config.cfg name. Then the directory that hosts the startup-config dir is mounted to the container. This will result in this config being applied at startup by the node.

Configuration is applied after the node is started, thus it can contain partial configuration snippets that you desire to add on top of the default config that a node boots up with.

Lab examples#

The following labs feature Cisco XRv9k node: