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Cisco c8000v#

The Cisco Catalyst 8000V Edge Software (Catalyst 8000V) is a virtual-form-factor router and is identified with cisco_c8000v kind in the topology file.

Cisco c8000v is a successor of Cisco CSR1000v and is a different product from Cisco 8000 platform emulator.

Hardware resource requirements#

Each c8000v node is started with 1vCPU and 4GB of RAM by default.

Managing c8000v nodes#


Cisco c8000v boots process takes around 5 minutes. To monitor boot progress:

docker logs -f <container-name/id>

Wait for Startup complete in: <time> message.

ssh admin@<node-name> Password: admin

to connect to a bash shell of a running c8000v container:

docker exec -it <container-name/id> bash


Default credentials: admin:admin

Interface naming convention#

c8000v container uses the following naming convention for its management and data interfaces:

  • eth0 - management interface connected to the containerlab management network
  • eth1 - Gi2 interface
  • eth2 - Gi3 interface and so on.

When containerlab launches c8000v node, it will set the static IPv4 address for the eth0 interface and other interfaces will appear unset.

node1#sh ip int br
Interface              IP-Address      OK? Method Status                Protocol
GigabitEthernet1       YES manual up                    up      
GigabitEthernet2       unassigned      YES unset  administratively down down

Features and options#

Default node configuration#

It is possible to launch nodes of cisco_c8000v kind with a basic config or to provide a custom config file that will be used as a startup config instead.

When a node is defined without startup-config statement present, the node will boot with a factory config

User defined config#

With a startup-config property a user sets the path to the config file that will be mounted to a container and used as a startup-config:

name: c8000v
      kind: cisco_c8000v
      startup-config: r1.cfg

When a config file is passed via startup-config parameter it will be used during an initial lab deployment. However, a config file that might be in the lab directory of a node takes precedence over the startup-config1.

Lab examples#

name: c8000v
      kind: cisco_c8000v
      image: vrnetlab/vr-c8000v:17.11.01a
      kind: cisco_c8000v
      image: vrnetlab/vr-c8000v:17.11.01a

    - endpoints: ["node1:eth1", "node2:eth1"]

  1. if startup config needs to be enforced, either deploy a lab with --reconfigure flag, or use enforce-startup-config setting.