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Fortinet Fortigate#

Fortinet Fortigate virtualized security appliance is identified with the fortinet_fortigate kind in the topology file. It is built using the hellt/vrnetlab project and essentially is a Qemu VM packaged in a docker container format.

The integration of Fortinet Fortigate has been tested with v7.0.14 release. Note, that releases >= 7.2.0 would require a valid license and internet access to activate the Fortinet Fortigate VM.

Getting Fortinet Fortigate disk image#

Users can obtain the qcow2 disk image for Fortinet Fortigate VM from the official support site; a free account required. Download the "New deployment" variant of the FGVM64 VM for the KVM platform.

Extract the downloaded zip file and rename the fortios.qcow2 to fortios-vX.Y.Z.qcow2 where X.Y.Z is the version of the Fortigate VM. Put the renamed file in the fortigate directory of the cloned hellt/vrnetlab project and run make to build the container image.

Managing Fortinet Fortigate nodes#


Containers with Fortinet Fortigate VM inside will take ~2min to fully boot.
You can monitor the progress with the docker logs -f <container-name> command.

Fortinet Fortigate node launched with containerlab can be managed via the following interfaces:

to connect to a bash shell of a running fortigate container:

docker exec -it <container-name/id> bash

to connect to the Fortigate CLI

ssh admin@<container-name/id/IP-addr>

Fortigate VM comes with HTTP(S) server with a GUI manager app. You can access the Web UI using http schema.


You can expose container's port 80 with the ports setting in containerlab and get access to the Web UI using your containerlab host IP.


Default login credentials: admin:admin

Interface naming#

You can use interfaces names in the topology file like they appear in Fortinet Fortigate.

The interface naming convention is: portX, where X is the port number.

With that naming convention in mind:

  • port2 - first data port available
  • port3 - second data port, and so on...


Data port numbering starts at 2, as port1 is reserved for management connectivity. Attempting to use port1 in a containerlab topology will result in an error.

The example ports above would be mapped to the following Linux interfaces inside the container running the Fortinet Fortigate VM:

  • eth0 - management interface connected to the containerlab management network (rendered as port1 in the CLI)
  • eth1 - first data interface, mapped to the first data port of the VM (rendered as port2)
  • eth2+ - second and subsequent data interfaces, mapped to the second and subsequent data ports of the VM (rendered as port3 and so on)

When containerlab launches Fortinet Fortigate node the port1 interface of the VM gets assigned address from the QEMU DHCP server. This interface is transparently stitched with container's eth0 interface such that users can reach the management plane of the Fortinet Fortigate using containerlab's assigned IP.

Data interfaces port2+ need to be configured with IP addressing manually using CLI or other available management interfaces.