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Showing link impairments#

With the containerlab tools netem show command users can list all link impairments for a given containerlab node.

For links with no associated qdisc the output will contain N/A values.


containerlab tools netem show [local-flags]



With the mandatory --node | -n flag a user specifies the name of the containerlab node to show link impairments on.


containerlab tools netem show -n clab-netem-r1
| Interface | Delay | Jitter | Packet Loss | Rate (kbit) |
| lo        | N/A   | N/A    | N/A         | N/A         |
| eth0      | N/A   | N/A    | N/A         | N/A         |
| eth1      | 15ms  | 2ms    |        0.00 |           0 |